Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Methods

If your site never gets visitors, why bother? Anybody who is successful making money with a website will tell you... if you have no traffic, you are not going to make much money with your site. And while things like advertisements and traffic services may increase your traffic, the best method for doing so is search engine optimization. Because the traffic that you receive from search engines like Google is some of the most targeted, profitable traffic there is.

The different methods of search engine optimization fall into two categories: on page and off page. And even though some off page criteria are very important for search engine optimization, on page SEO techniques are probably the most essential. Though an SEO service can really help with your search engine optimization, there are some on page improvements you can make on your own to improve your search engine rankings.

One of the most important ways to use on page search engine optimization is through researching your keywords. Many website owners build their sites without doing deep keyword research for each page and topic. And while they might get lucky with a few popular keywords, the chances of them using the most profitable keywords in their niche are pretty slim. If you take the time to research the best keywords for each page you create for your site (that is, the ones with the highest demand and lowest supply), ranking for some good keywords will be easy. Which will make your search engine optimization efforts that much more effective.

Another very important aspect of on page search engine optimization is putting quality content on your site. When you have done keyword research as part of the search engine optimization process, you use those keywords to tell you what content people are looking for. If you provide the best content on that keyword on the net, and plenty of it, you can almost get by without worrying about search engine optimization. Links and traffic will begin to build as a simple matter of course.

For every page you create for your website, there are plenty little additions that will help your site. For the purpose of search engine optimization, two of the most important "extras" you can use are the title and meta tags. Most essential is the title tag, which is found at the top of the HTML page and at the top of a visitor's browser window. Using keywords, the title tag informs the search engines of the topic of your page. Using your keyword in the title tag is essential; and it is also very important to use it in the meta tag. The meta tag provides a description of the page on your site, as well as an indication to search engines that your page is content focused. Many leave these out altogether... something which, to put it mildly, does not help your site's search engine optimization.

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